Friday, March 15, 2019

Israeli Celebrities and Politicians Weigh in on Sela's Post

Image result for Rotem Sela
Television Presenter Rotem Sela made waves on social media recently with an Instagram post calling out Culture Minister Miri Regev. Sela took umbrage with comments Regev made concerning Kahol Lavan political party. The comments made suggested that were the Kahol Lavan party to gain significant political power in Israel, then they would cooperate with Arabs and turn Israel into an Arab state.

Sela's Instagram post lambasted Regev for suggesting that Arabs did not deserve a voice in Israel, asking the question "what's the problem with Arabs"?

Related imageSela's post drew a great deal of ire and support. Quite notably, Hollywood star Gal Gadot came out in favor of Sela's way of thinking stating that Israeli Jews should "Love thy neighbor as thyelf". She went on to call Sela an inspiration. Gadot has been flippant and vague when it comes to her political affiliations in the past, making this endorsement all the more shocking and powerful.

It is worth noting that Gadot has even stayed tight lipped on her political leanings when her breakout film, Wonder Woman, was banned in Lebanon, after a social media firestorm started around her time spent in the Israeli Defense Force.

However, Sela's detractors have been equally significant, the most prominent of which has been Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who made the now controversial comment that "...Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, and them alone".

Regev's comments were most likely in reaction to or inspired by a statement made by Kahol Lavan back in January of this year, when party leader Yair Lapid voiced the party's desire to amend the Nation-State Bill by adding a Civil Equality article. In a speech on March 7th, Lapid made further statements detail injustices towards the Palestinian people and how Israel should go about making peace with Palestine.

Among the many responses to the stir cause by the post, there has been a persistent push for Arabs and Palestinians to gain more recognition and representation in Israeli politics. The fact that they make up 21% of the population of Israel, yet are still treated as something other than full citizens in certain respects has drawn criticism from many.

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